To make matters worse, it seems that there is an heir. Laura had a brother Hans who was rumored to be dead. The mysterious lives of Hans & Laura lead Kate on a journey in Hans luxury train across northern Europe. As she passes through each station she uncovers more about Hans' life and his genius.
01/ mammoth necklace $15.00 // 02/ boots $130.00 // 03/ paris print $30.00 // 04/ automaton hand $1250.00 // 05/ gear train $72.00 // 06/ nouveau decal $65.00 // 07/ honey $3.40 // 08/ rocket bank $92.00 // 09/ white bomber $59.50 // 10/ gears $7.95 // 11/ goggles $16.00 // 12/ deco earrings $24.50 // 13/ cell phone case $20.00 // 14/ opera glasses $435.00 // 15/ mammoth doll $45.00
Syberia is a classic point and click adventure game and the puzzles are inventory/sequence based. That said, sit back and enjoy the story - which is what point and click games are all about. And take my word on this one, the story of Syberia is worth hearing at least once.
This is one of my all time favorite series of games. There are currently two (Syberia & Syberia II) and the third is hopefully going to be out soon *crosses fingers*. White Birds Productions and Benoît Sokal, the man behind the game, are responsible for so many gorgeous environments (Paradise and Sinking Island) and they don't disappoint here. It is hands down the most beautiful game I have ever played. I do also own this game for Nintedo DS - but all i have to say is DON'T - there isn't enough screen to do the graphics an ounce justice.

1 // Graphics
The cut scenes are dreamy, and the in game graphics are really great. the attention to detail is what really takes it to the next level. As you travel through the stages of Hans life, you progress through eras of design. starting with art nouveau then going to deco to constructivism etc - it is absolutely gorgeous.
1 // Storyline and Characters
At first it seems as if Kate is on this journey alone - but there are tons of relationships in this game. Kate's phone calls from the US illustrate her life in New York, Oscar, her automaton companion takes AI to a whole new level, the people she meets and helps along the way - and not to mention the train almost has a mind of its own as it takes you to each mysterious destination.
1 // Soundtrack and Sound Effects
There is a definite theme song - and it
will get stuck in your head. You also encounter an opera singer and some very interesting contraptions - all with very interesting
sound effects.
1 // Length of Game and Price
1 // Length of Game and Price
The game is long, (you will spend evenings, not hours, playing this game start to finish) and you can buy both games together for $15.95
1 // Replay Value
The game is great - even the second and third time through. I find myself replaying it to return to some of the locations in the game. (ex. I love the conservatory at the university, i could walk around a place like that all day)
1 // Replay Value
The game is great - even the second and third time through. I find myself replaying it to return to some of the locations in the game. (ex. I love the conservatory at the university, i could walk around a place like that all day)
1 // Puzzle Difficulty
automatons are the big element in this game there are lots of gears and
components to play with. Each station you stop at begins the journey of
finding a way to wind up the train to get it going again (yes the train
is a giant wind up toy - how awesomely steampunk is that?)
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